Co-Creating with GOD
Renaissance Thinking Framework
DEEP DIVE Implementation
Unlock the Innovator Within YOU!
MORNING: "Renaissance Thinking Implementation"
+ AFTERNOON: "Flow State Mastery"
MORNING Session:
"Implementing the Renaissance Thinking Framework"
Discover the Mindset
& Practices of Great Innovators
In this session, you’ll learn how to apply the foundational principles of the Renaissance Thinking Framework—an approach modeled after the habits of history’s most inventive minds.
This immersive DEEP DIVE session focuses on mental preparation, equipping you with the tools to:
Practical Takeaways:
You’ll leave with a personalized action plan, daily creativity exercises, and a roadmap to start implementing small but powerful changes that amplify your innovative thinking
"Finding Flow—Unlocking Peak Performance"
Master the Science & Art of the Flow State
Flow state—often described as “being in the zone” - is the key to unlocking your highest levels of focus, creativity, and productivity.
In this session, you’ll explore:
Key Benefits:
Your Creativity & Productivity Advantage...
We’ll dive into the ten most common blockers to flow and how to overcome them, ensuring you have the tools to sustain peak performance long-term.
Why Attend This Event?
Message from Greg Moyer...
Creativity began at the beginning.
Genesis 1:27 (ESV): "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
This verse, which describes humanity being created in the "image of God," has been interpreted in various ways, but many theologians and scholars see it as suggesting that human beings reflect certain attributes of God, including the capacity for creativity.
Since God is the ultimate Creator who brought the entire universe into existence through His creative power, the fact that humans are made in His image implies that we, too, possess creative capacity, albeit in a limited and finite way compared to God's infinite creativity. And God was quite creative.
Since God is the ultimate Creator who brought the entire universe into existence through His creative power, the fact that humans are made in His image implies that we, too, possess creative capacity, albeit in a limited and finite way compared to God's infinite creativity. And God was quite creative.
Just look at all the different life forms around us.
As beings created in God's image, we have the ability to imagine, design, innovate, and bring new things into existence, whether through artistic expression, scientific discovery, technological invention, or other creative endeavors.
This creative capacity is seen as a reflection of the divine image within us, a gift from the ultimate Creator.
Furthermore, the cultural mandate given to humanity in Genesis 1:28 ("Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.") can be understood as an invitation to exercise our God-given creativity in responsible stewardship over the created order, developing and shaping the world in ways that honor God and benefit humanity.
So, while humanity is not the source of creativity itself (that belongs to God alone), our ability to create is a fundamental aspect of being made in the image of God, the ultimate creative being.
As image-bearers, we are called to use our creative capacities to glorify God and contribute to the flourishing of His creation.
As a society, we have become complacent in our natural quest for creativity and are now seeing an insidious decline for the first time in history, which began around 70 years ago. Most people don’t believe this and, in fact, believe just the opposite, but the evidence is overwhelming and convincing.
Creativity requires effort, and as a natural human response, we have left the effort to others, which means to just a few, leaving an ever-increasing void. We can now see a computer using AI to fill that gap.
It won’t be long before most humans will altogether forget the virtues of our God-given creativity and leave it to the machine.
Business as usual is not what we have time for, not in the modern timeline, and not in the modern economic environment of uncertainties.
You don't have time for business as usual. You don't have time to pursue the wrong ideas. And you certainly don't have time to take your time when it comes to innovation—innovation for your business or your ministry.
It's time to unleash the full creative potential of yourself, your business colleagues, your ministry teams, and your family. Stop holding back. Activate your God-given creativity now.
A science-verified and evidence-proven way to activate your God-given creativity, right here, right now, is with the ‘Co-Creating with God’ Renaissance Thinking training programs.
Renaissance Thinking is not a new way of thinking, but rather a way of thinking about things in a new way…
Discover why ‘Renaissance Thinking’ is so POWERFUL...
Successful innovation requires that you get your ideas across the goal line. It relies on a continuous flow of great ideas, transforming those ideas into something tangible and then getting others to adopt them.
It's not about one big grand idea but generating the flow of many great ideas to address all the needs throughout the innovation journey—and better yet, generating great ideas on demand. And if you can’t get others to embrace your ideas, what’s the point?
The good news is that anyone can learn to become a Renaissance Thinker, and it’s never too late. You don’t need to be Da Vinci to be a Renaissance Thinker; you just need to be yourself and practice the same thinking and doing habits that propelled his Renaissance thinking.
The bad news is that schools and our parents don’t teach it. We’re pretty much left on our own, or as most do, rely on the chance, basically luck, that they’ll be able to come up with great ideas and make them actionable.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you're from—with the right direction, anyone can become a Renaissance Thinker, activating their God-given creativity, upping their game, and glorifying God by making a positive change in the world.
Rooting for you,
Greg Moyer
Creator, Inventor & Innovator
‘Co-Creating with God’ Renaissance Thinking Framework
This event is perfect for entrepreneurs, leaders, and creatives seeking to harness their full potential and make meaningful strides in their work and personal lives.
Register NOW. IT'S FREE.
A Shofar Global Network Project