Co-Creating with GOD
Become a Master of INNOVATION by Transforming into a Renaissance Thinker Who Co-Creates with God.
(ADVISOR Certification Program Starting NOW. Info here.)
The thinking framework for being creative, inventive and innovative, empowered by revelatory insight, inspiring life-changing, great ideas for Kingdom purposes.
In today's fast-paced world of geopolitical turmoil and economic uncertainties, creativity isn't a luxury—it's essential. Yet, studies show an alarming decline in creative thinking skills over the past 70 years.
As Christians, we're called to be salt and light, to innovate and lead. But how can we fulfill this calling if our creative prowess is in decline?
Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to business and ministry?
Join us for a 1-year ADVANCED training program where you'll learn how to apply the 7 building blocks of inventive thinking used by biblical figures and Christian innovators throughout history.
A Biblical Approach to Generating Great, Life-Changing Ideas for Kingdom Purposes and Bringing Them to Fulfillment.
This isn't just another business training program. It's a deep dive into the God-given gift of creativity that's been lying dormant within you. Drawing from biblical examples and cutting-edge research, you'll learn how to:
Why Renaissance Thinking?
Renaissance Thinking isn't new—it's a rebirth of the creative potential God instilled in us from the beginning.
From Joseph's strategic leadership in Egypt to Daniel's problem-solving in Babylon, the Bible is filled with examples of innovative thinking that changed the world.
In this 1-year ADVANCED training program, you'll discover how to apply these timeless principles to your modern-day challenges in business and ministry.
5 GOOD Reasons You Should Consider Enrolling...
1. Align Your Work with God's Purpose:
Discover how to use your creativity to fulfill your divine calling in business and ministry.
2. Unlock Your Creative Potential:
Learn scientifically verified techniques to boost your innovative thinking by 500%.
3. Gain a Competitive Edge:
Master the same thinking approaches used by Christian innovators like George Washington Carver, Sir Isaac Newton, Wilbur and Orville Wright, R.G Letourneau and S. Truett Cathy.
4. Solve Real-World Problems:
Apply Renaissance Thinking principles to overcome your current business and ministry challenges.
5. Join a Community of Christian Innovators:
Network with like-minded Christian entrepreneurs and leaders who are committed to making a difference.
What You'll Learn:
Inaugural ‘Co-Creating with God' Training Reviews
“It is awesome!” – Sid Abma
“The amount of thought-provoking material is mind-blowing. Definitely worth it.” – Simeon Thorp
“The content is simply fascinating and engaging. I immediately had some 'Divine Downloads'. It was instant confirmation and validation of the applicability of the content.” – Elizabeth Sutorius Saunders
“It is POWERFUL!” – Scott Adams
“I am so excited. I saw God moving all throughout the training. Something supernatural happened to me. I see God moving me into creative ways of thinking. I thank God for this. It was life-changing.” – Luke Jackson
“Loved it all!” – Cora Fickinger
The ‘Co-Creating with God’ Renaissance Thinking Back Story…
When Greg Moyer was in his early 20s, a Christian mentor showed him a technique for activating his imagination, that originated with Christian monks during the Dark Ages.
The monks used this technique for activating their imaginations while meditating on scripture.
This technique eventually became part of the creative process that inventors and creators like DaVinci used during the Renaissance period to come up with their brilliant ideas.
Later in life, Greg started applying this technique for activating his imagination in business. Because of his initial positive experiences, he was inspired to learn more.
Greg went onto study the greatest creators, inventors, and innovators throughout history up to modern times, and discovered there was a Thinking Framework they all used in order to come up with their ideas.
This included Bell Labs, which came up with over 30,000 patents. In fact, their entire campus was designed around this Thinking Framework.
Through his research Greg discovered this Thinking Framework is based on how your brain is naturally wired (God designed), to be creative and come up with good ideas. And has even been verified by science too.
Greg is also able to demonstrate through his research why traditional creativity training in business does not work, that true innovation is in decline and A.I. has the potential to make this even worse.
The Thinking Framework has been proven in the marketplace, over and over and over again.
During his 25 years in Silicon Valley, Greg applied his Thinking Framework to come up with 9 of his own inventions, 10 innovations in his industry and helped his clients generate over $5.5 billion in revenue.
His 80+ clients included some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Microsoft, HP, Cisco, Siemens, etc.
Discover why ‘Renaissance Thinking’ is so POWERFUL...
The primary purpose behind the Co-Creating with God ADVANCED Training Program is to teach you how to apply Greg's proven, Renassaince Thinking Framework for being creative, inventive and innovative in the marketplace.
You will have a process for Co-Creating with God, and come up with all kinds of life-changing ideas for business, ministry, life or whatever God leads them into for Kingdom purposes.
Just like George Washington Carver, a Christian scientist and Inventor, who came up with over 300 inventions from the little peanut.
“The Lord always provides me with life-changing ideas. Not that I am special. The Lord provides everyone with life-changing ideas. These ideas are quite literally a treasure from the Almighty. It is up to each of us however, to choose and dig for the treasure.” – George Washington Carver
George’s favorite verse was Psalm 121:1–2: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
This Renassaince Thinking Framework is a process that will be a template for helping you become a Co-Creator with God, much the same way George Washington Carver did.
"Every year 5,424,000 new businesses and 30,000 new products enter the marketplace making a lot of noise, but only 1 in 10 will survive.
I have experienced just the opposite - and now I am going to show you how to rise above the noise and operate on a higher level to succeed as an entrepreneur, business leader, and knowledge worker in this age of global turmoil and economic uncertainties!"
– Greg Moyer
'Co-Creating with God' Renassaince Thinking Training
That's right - Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Enabled Them to Achieve Historical Levels of Success!
Some fast facts about this amazing 'OLD SECRET'...
This is an incredible framework discovered by Greg Moyer who found the little-known real "cause and effect" in how successful innovators were able to navigate the challenges that confront all business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Greg has personally used this to:
It can even create many new streams of opportunities for you very quickly!
Above all, it's unlike anything you've ever seen!
The speed in which you innovate ranks as the top determining factor for business success or failure in today's climate of global turmoil and economic uncertainties.
Innovation is essential for businesses to adapt, grow, and remain competitive in rapidly changing and uncertain environments.
Companies that innovate faster are:
It allows SMART Christian Leaders & FAST Growing Kingdom Businesses to:
Why Renaissance Thinkers Who Co-Create with God and Master Innovation Rank Highest in Their Industry and in Their Community
1. ADAPTIBILITY: In times of global turmoil, they can quickly adapt their products, services, or business models to new realities.
2. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: They stay ahead of competitors and gain market share with creative solutions, even in challenging economic conditions.
3. VALUE CREATION: They are better positioned to create new value for customers, which is crucial when consumer spending may be constrained.
4. RESILIENCE: They create a culture of innovation in their organizations and are more resilient, able to find creative solutions to unexpected challenges.
5. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES: Even in uncertain times, they uncover new growth opportunities and revenue streams.
While factors like financial management and customer focus remain crucial, Renaissance Thinkers that Co-Create with God stand out as key difference makers in the marketplace during turbulent times.
They empower their businesses to survive and thrive by turning challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement.
Renaissance Thinkers Who Co-Create with God…
Who Should Enroll:
This is an opportunity for you to unlock your innovative superpowers and make a lasting impact for the Kingdom.
This isn't just another training program.
It's an exciting opportunity to learn from Greg Moyer, who has transformed decades of successful experience, research, and practice into two days of training so you can immediately begin the transformation into a Co-Creator with God to elevate your game. Connect with like-minded Christian innovators who are committed to making a difference.
That's why we're excited to introduce our transformative, 'Co-Create with God' ADVANCED training program. This 1-year interactive training program is specifically designed for business owners, entrepreneurs, and those who want to be creative, inventive and innovative for KINGDOM purposes.
Through a curated curriculum, you'll unlock the core breakthrough skills that comprise the fundamental thinking and doing habits that that are common to successful innovators past and present.
Discussion on the ‘Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training...
Here's SOME of what YOU will learn from the 1-Year 'Co-Creating with God ADVANCED Training Program:
What is included in the 1-year 'Co-Creating with God' ADVANCED Training Program?
Here's YOUR opportunity to revolutionize your approach to creativity and innovation.
Enroll in the 1-year ‘Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training Program NOW and take the first step towards unleashing your full creative potential for God's glory.
PLUS get LIFETIME access to the video recordings of both our inaugural 'Co-Creating with God' Seminar AND 2-Day ADVANCED Workshop hosted on our cutting-edge A.I. content platform for maximum learning retention.
Access the 'Co-Creating with God' Training Info PDFs here.
This can CHANGE your DESTINY!
OR 3 monthly payments
$1000 each ($3000 total)
Together, we'll rise above the noise and redefine what God can make possible in your life and in the world for His purposes.
Why YOU should SERIOUSLY consider enrolling in the ‘Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training Program...
In today’s business world, an advanced workshop or training seminar of this nature can easily run $5,000, $10,000 or more.
For example, this 5-day bootcamp, just to be a business facilitator is over $14,000! (We have NO connection or experience with this training bootcamp. For comparison purposes ONLY.)
Yet advanced training like this, from proven experts, can literally change the entire trajectory of your life.
I know from a personal experience.
In the mid 90s, I was one of the top sales reps in the country as an independent manufacturer’s sales rep. It was my own business, plus I had several other additional businesses on the side as well.
But I was frustrated.
I intuitively knew there a HIGHER level for me.
But I had absolutely no clue what IT was.
So for several years, I was questioning, searching, wondering, praying, asking what is IT?
And for the life of me, I could not figure IT out.
Then “out of the blue”, in one week’s time, I received 3 separate advertising promotions through 3 different sources, for the exact same advanced business marketing seminar.
The first promotion was a business article for a newspaper, that my mom had clipped and mailed to me from Alaska.
The second promotion was a 4-page centerfold ad in Success Magazine.
And the third promotion was a sales letter from a sales training and motivational company, Nightengale-Conant.
All 3 were all promoting the exact same 2-day $5000 advanced business marketing seminar, by one of the great marketing geniuses in the world– Jay Abraham.
Now what are the chances of that all happening in the same week?
But $5,000 was a LOT of money back in the mid-90s!
Up until that point in my life, I had never spent more than $100 for a one day seminar, or $800 for an 8-week in-person group video training course.
Because my Mom had sent me the article promoting the seminar, after I got the details, I called her up and told her the price.
Her instant response was, “That’s a total rip-off. What a scam!”. LOL
But I had a gut feel sense (Spirit-led) my Mom was wrong and that this $5,000 advanced business marketing seminar was EXACTLY what I had been searching for.
So in spite of what my Mom said, I went with my gut feel, and decided to go.
I attended that 2-day $5,000 advanced marketing seminar.
And it changed my life forever.
However, as great as the seminar was and how valuable the information that I learned, the MAIN thing that had the MOST impact on my life, had NOTHING to do with the actual training.
Here’s what happened...
The night before the seminar, there was a casual get together of the people attending the seminar.
Jay Abraham was connecting with audience, and going over expectations and what the seminar was going to cover, the objectives, and the outcomes…that pre-seminar kind of stuff.
Then all of sudden, it felt like the top of my head just opened up.
And I was given the ability to think differently, to think outside the box.
But it was nothing that Jay said to cause that.
It was completely unexpected, totally out of the blue.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was not a mental thing; it was spiritual, more than anything else.
Looking back on my journey now, I definitely know it was God.
Though I did not fully realize it at the time.
But it was the "following my gut feel sense" of attending (in spite of the $5000 price tag), and going to that seminar, that was catalyst for that even happening.
As weird as this may sound, I truly believe that "God experience" was significantly more valuable to my life, purpose and calling than what I learned.
Now on the business side of things, over the years, with what I learned at the seminar, it has paid for itself COUNTLESS times over, and has been integral to every single sales, marketing and business project I have been involved with since, over the past 30 years.
In fact, later Jay Abraham had a 3-day $25,000 Protégé seminar. And I gladly paid that money too. It was worth every penny.
I was even able to get a multi-person discount, so I could also bring over 20 people from my staff, and who were working closely with me on different business projects.
That’s how much I believed in what Jay taught.
So I know first-hand, how much an advanced business seminar or workshop can massively change your life. And also know what Greg Moyer’s, ‘Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training Program has the potential to do for you.
That's because God literally walked me through Greg’s Renaissance Thinking framework, before I even met Greg, or knew anything about his framework.
It was through revelatory insight, learning to listen to God’s voice and follow His leading. And that ultimately led to my becoming a pioneer in remote sales in the early 2000s, and one of the top people in the world in my niche.
This is why I am having Greg bring his 'Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training Program to the Shofar Global Network.
Greg’s Renaissance Thinking Framework combined with God’s revelatory insight is foundational to accomplishing the Shofar Global Network KEY mandates.
I believe 110% in what Greg teaches, because it will be the catalyst for what we will be creating, inventing and innovating for Kingdom purposes. So, I cannot encourage you enough (if God is leading you) to enroll now.
It will be life-changing.
Brett Rademacher
Shofar Global Network
"Shattering Paradigms in the Marketplace!"
P.S. And if you are interested in really taking this to the NEXT level, you should look into our 'Co-Creating with God' ADVISOR Certification Program.
Are you ready to 'Co-Create with God' and make a lasting impact in your sphere of influence?
By participating in this 1-year 'Co-Creating with God' ADVANCED Training Program, you'll not only gain confidence and clarity but also walk away with a toolbox of practical skills that will set you apart from the world.
Imagine the impact you could make on your business, your industry, your career or your circle of influence, by harnessing the power of Renaissance Thinking combined with Revelatory Thinking for being creative, inventive and innovating and coming up with great, life-changing ideas for Kingdom Purposes!
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
- Ephesians 2:10
Unlock your God-given creativity today and step into the innovative future He has prepared for you!
Access the 'Co-Creating with God' Training Info PDFs here.
This can CHANGE your DESTINY!
OR 3 monthly payments
$1000 each ($3000 total)
Together, we'll rise above the noise and redefine what God can make possible in your life and in the world for His purposes.
Message from Greg Moyer...
Creativity began at the beginning.
Genesis 1:27 (ESV): "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
This verse, which describes humanity being created in the "image of God," has been interpreted in various ways, but many theologians and scholars see it as suggesting that human beings reflect certain attributes of God, including the capacity for creativity.
Since God is the ultimate Creator who brought the entire universe into existence through His creative power, the fact that humans are made in His image implies that we, too, possess creative capacity, albeit in a limited and finite way compared to God's infinite creativity. And God was quite creative.
Since God is the ultimate Creator who brought the entire universe into existence through His creative power, the fact that humans are made in His image implies that we, too, possess creative capacity, albeit in a limited and finite way compared to God's infinite creativity. And God was quite creative.
Just look at all the different life forms around us.
As beings created in God's image, we have the ability to imagine, design, innovate, and bring new things into existence, whether through artistic expression, scientific discovery, technological invention, or other creative endeavors.
This creative capacity is seen as a reflection of the divine image within us, a gift from the ultimate Creator.
Furthermore, the cultural mandate given to humanity in Genesis 1:28 ("Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.") can be understood as an invitation to exercise our God-given creativity in responsible stewardship over the created order, developing and shaping the world in ways that honor God and benefit humanity.
So, while humanity is not the source of creativity itself (that belongs to God alone), our ability to create is a fundamental aspect of being made in the image of God, the ultimate creative being.
As image-bearers, we are called to use our creative capacities to glorify God and contribute to the flourishing of His creation.
As a society, we have become complacent in our natural quest for creativity and are now seeing an insidious decline for the first time in history, which began around 70 years ago. Most people don’t believe this and, in fact, believe just the opposite, but the evidence is overwhelming and convincing.
Creativity requires effort, and as a natural human response, we have left the effort to others, which means to just a few, leaving an ever-increasing void. We can now see a computer using AI to fill that gap.
It won’t be long before most humans will altogether forget the virtues of our God-given creativity and leave it to the machine.
Business as usual is not what we have time for, not in the modern timeline, and not in the modern economic environment of uncertainties.
You don't have time for business as usual. You don't have time to pursue the wrong ideas. And you certainly don't have time to take your time when it comes to innovation—innovation for your business or your ministry.
It's time to unleash the full creative potential of yourself, your business colleagues, your ministry teams, and your family. Stop holding back. Activate your God-given creativity now.
A science-verified and evidence-proven way to activate your God-given creativity, right here, right now, is with the ‘Co-Creating with God’ Renaissance Thinking training programs.
Renaissance Thinking is not a new way of thinking, but rather a way of thinking about things in a new way…
Successful innovation requires that you get your ideas across the goal line. It relies on a continuous flow of great ideas, transforming those ideas into something tangible and then getting others to adopt them.
It's not about one big grand idea but generating the flow of many great ideas to address all the needs throughout the innovation journey—and better yet, generating great ideas on demand. And if you can’t get others to embrace your ideas, what’s the point?
The good news is that anyone can learn to become a Renaissance Thinker, and it’s never too late. You don’t need to be Da Vinci to be a Renaissance Thinker; you just need to be yourself and practice the same thinking and doing habits that propelled his Renaissance thinking.
The bad news is that schools and our parents don’t teach it. We’re pretty much left on our own, or as most do, rely on the chance, basically luck, that they’ll be able to come up with great ideas and make them actionable.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you're from—with the right direction, anyone can become a Renaissance Thinker, activating their God-given creativity, upping their game, and glorifying God by making a positive change in the world.
Rooting for you,
Greg Moyer
Framework for Inventive Thinking
‘Co-Creating with God’ Renaissance Thinking!
Message from Brett Rademacher…
When Greg first explained his Thinking Framework to me, for being creative, inventive and innovative on demand, I knew right away I was supposed to help him take this to the world.
That's because this was the same process God walked me through to become a pioneer in Internet-based remote sales and one of the top people in the world in my niche.
But at the time, I had no idea this was a God-inspired framework that could be duplicated.
The Co-Creating with God Renaissance Thinking training is going to teach like-minded, spirit-led believers a God given process for being creative, inventive and innovate, so they can be led by God to come up with all kinds of life changing, great ideas for business, ministry or whatever God leads them into.
This Thinking Framework is a proven process that will guide you in becoming a Co-Creator with God, much the same way George Washington Carver did when he came up with over 300 inventions for the peanut.
“When I was young, I said to God, “God, tell me the mystery of the universe.” But God answered, “That knowledge is reserved for me alone.” So I said, “God, tell me the mystery of the peanut.” Then God said, “Well George, that’s more nearly your size.” And he told me.” – George Washington Carver
We offering our 'Co-Creating with God' ADVANCED Training Program for those who want to deep dive and master this Thinking Framework. And those who want advise businesses who need/want be more innovative we will have an ADVISOR Certification program.
Once certified, they can counsel secular and Christian businesses on how to apply the Thinking Framework to be more creative, inventive and innovative in today’s marketplace, and come up with more life-changing ideas. They will be spirit-led, trusted advisors in the marketplace, just like Daniel and Joseph advised rulers in the Old Testament.
Today, businesses are in desperate need of ongoing innovation in order to drive revenues, remain profitable, be competitive and survive.
This Thinking Framework combined with revelatory insight, will not only be a catalyst for generating new life-changing ideas, but it can also be used as a witness in the secular and Christian marketplace by having a positive impact on many of the world’s problems.
We will also use this Thinking Framework internally for developing ideas, innovations, inventions and all different types of business projects that we will help bring to market through the Shofar Global Network.
This will include partnerships, joint ventures, startups, incubation, business development, funding, etc. on a local, national, regional and global scale, which is a significant part of the Shofar Global Network mission for creating wealth for Kingdom purposes.
Brett Rademacher
Shofar Global Network
“Shattering Paradigms in the Marketplace”
What is included in the 1-year 'Co-Creating with God' ADVANCED Training Program?
Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to creativity and innovation.
Enroll in the 1-year ‘Co-Creating with God’ ADVANCED Training Program NOW and take the first step towards unleashing your full creative potential for God's glory.
PLUS get LIFETIME access to the video recordings of both our inaugural 'Co-Creating with God' Seminar AND 2-Day ADVANCED Workshop hosted on our cutting-edge A.I. content platform for maximum learning retention.
Access the 'Co-Creating with God' Training Info PDFs here.
This can CHANGE your DESTINY!
OR 3 monthly payments
$1000 each ($3000 total)
Together, we'll rise above the noise and redefine what God can make possible in your life and in the world for His purposes.
Questions? Email:
A Shofar Global Network Project